Premium Books

[infopane color=”5″ icon=”0100.png”]The obvious disclaimer is in place concerning all of these books and their authors. There is much to learn in this world and I appreciate others learning it for me and then summarizing it so I can learn it faster. Happy reading and … learn fast![/infopane]

51VQ5cQgLgL._SL175_Seven Practices of Effective Ministry- Stanley, Jones, Joiner

I have read this book and listened to the audio version of it many, many times.  In fact, we have used the individual podcasts (click here) at our staff meetings for training.  We listen to about 5 minutes and then stop and discuss.  You can do the same with this book.  This is the best book that has been written in years for practical, hands-on, operational advice.  Stanley and his team have identified several principles that are fundamental to all churches and ministries. Wether you have a large church or a small church these operational basics can be transferred to nearly any ministry.

orange book coverThink Orange- Reggie Joiner

Have you ever found someone who was saying the same thing you were assaying, only they were doing it a lot better?  This is the case with Think Orange and Reggie Joiner. For years I have sought for a book that would explain youth and family ministry the way I saw it— a blending of church and family.  Reggie nails it down in this foundational book.  The church needs the family ,the family needs the church. They are both better with each other.  This is required reading at Sinclair Baptist for all upper level teachers and leaders.

tribes_seth_godinTribes- Seth Godin

I listen to this one on my phone. I was driving a snowplow at the time.  I got so excited I almost ran over a Yugo!  After chapter three, I was looking for a tractor trailer to run over.   Using many example from the business world, Seth Godin encourages leaders to lead.  This provocative book, written by a secularist has many motivational chapters.  If your ministry is at a dead end and you feel stuck, this book will help.He encourages us to be remarkable in our leadership. Many practical tips are given to help a person lead their tribe.  This is a must read for every pastor and serious church leader.

Sticky TeamsSticky Teams- Larry Osborne

A growing church of flourishing believers has to have an underlying leadership team that are unified.  If the leaders are not on the same page, it will show in so many ways in the congregation. After I read this book and the one preceding it (Stick Church),I drove out to this guy’s church to see if it was all for real.  I met with some of his staffers and talked to some of the church folk and found they are the real deal.  I obviously don’t agree with everything their church does and believes, but when it come to operation unity. Larry has this figured out.  Every pastor of a growing church or a stagnant church should get a copy of this book and begin to implement some of these principles.  The book has a simple format and the principles are easy to identify and implement.

The Advantage-Patrick LencioniAdvantage cover

This is a great book for all church leaders.  I have listened to it multiple times.  Each time I listen to the audio of this book, it seems I get a call form a pastor asking a question that has been answered by what I just read.  I just tell them the answer and it make me look good.  This book hits the nail on the head for churches.  The biggest hinderance that is keeping them from flourishing is organizational health.  Lencioni give practical lesson after lesson on the important elements that every church needs. Know the What’s, Why’s and How’s of your church. Understanding your mission/purpose. Understanding values, goals and making them clear.  And the list could go on and on.  This is an excellent read for all church leaders, but especially those moving forward with a few like minded individuals.

ten-stupid-things-by-geoff-surrattTen Stupid Things that Keep Churches from Growing- Geoff Surratt

This is one of the first books I ever read on the topic of church health and growth. I am so glad because it is funny yet truthful. It is an easy read with many, many examples and stories. It is so good because it get right to the truth of why we tend to fail at this all important task of building a church. Here are a few of the chapter titles: Trying to do it all; Providing a second-rate worship experience, Promoting talent over integrity. The rest of the chapters are just as good. Overall it is one of the best books I have read and I need to re-read it regularly. P.S. You’ll love the cover!